Friday, March 30, 2012


Team-work in the management of cancer patients is imperative.  The team will consist of the patient, a close relative, the physician oncologist, a nurse oncologist and possibly a social worker, and a pastor.  The patient is a member of the team.

In the Spring 2012 issue of the magazine CURE, Cancer Updates, Research & Education, the oncology nurse, Kimberly Stump-Sutliff is quoted:

“While this can be a frustrating process, Stump-Sutliff adds that when patients and doctors work together, they can usually find a viable solution.  A good healthcare provider will keep exploring alternatives to find something that works.  The goal is to ease treatment side effects without causing more problems.”

Ms. Stump-Sutliff is the associate medical editor for the American Cancer Society.  

In this quote she points out three essential elements required to attract health or cure.  The Team - a master-mind alliance; the Goal - the desired outcome; and exploring alternatives - summoning the required components to manifest a cure.

Not surprisingly these are three Key Concepts of the Law of Attraction.  

© 2012 Mandy Lender MD

1 comment:

  1. I remeber My poor self, Dr. Kevin Fox, Dr. Menahem Lender, My good Avinoam, My dear friend Ayshe, all recrutied to the battle.
